Professional Associations

White Rock Christian Academy is a member of several professional associations.

FISA BC - Federation of Independent School Associations in British Columbia
The Federation of Independent School Associations in British Columbia (FISA BC) is an umbrella organization of independent school associations formed in British Columbia. FISA consists of five member groups: the Association of Christian Schools IB in British Columbia (ACSIBC), the Associate Member Group (AMG), the Catholic Independent Schools of British Columbia (CISBC), the Independent Schools Association of British Columbia (ISABC), and the Society of Christian Schools in British Columbia (SCSBC). These five member associations select directors to serve on the FISA BC Board of Directors, which formulates the policies with which the organization advances its mission.

CEBC - Christian Educators of BC
Christian Educators of British Columbia (CEBC) is a service organization formed to support the varied needs of Christian teachers, and those serving in the fields of educational support, English language learning, early learning, and library services in communities across the province. They focus on promoting professional development, providing educational resources, advocating for our educators in matters such as employment issues and conflicts, and representing the educator's voice in decision making arenas across BC and Canada.

CSELBC - Christian Schools Educational Leaders of British Columbia
CSELBC (formerly Christian Principals Association of British Columbia, or CPABC) is a fellowship of education leaders made up of Christian School administrators from around the province. The primary purpose of this association is to promote, encourage and develop servant leaders in Christian Education. Their core values include providing mutual support and encouragement, encouraging professional support and growth, affirming school leaders and promoting and preserving a vision of Christian education.

SCSBC - The Society of Christian Schools of British Columbia
The Society of Christian Schools in BC is a not-for-profit organization of Christian school communities sharing a biblical vision for Christian education in the province of British Columbia, Canada. SCSBC provides a wide range of services for its member schools as well as others seeking resources and support in the provision of Christian education. Member school societies elect a nine-member SCSBC Board, which includes a teacher representative nominated by the Christian Educators of BC (CEBC) and a principal representative nominated by the Christian Principals’ Association of BC (CPABC). SCSBC is also affiliated with Christian Schools International (CSI) and Christian Schools Canada (CSC).