FAQs: The International Baccalaureate (IB) Programme
At White Rock Christian Academy, we utilize the International Baccalaureate® (IB) programme, which gives our students the best advantage in preparing them for the future. The integrated learning and structured approach provide students with a competitive advantage in that they are better prepared, more confident and have superior time management, organizational and research skills.
Following are Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about IB at WRCA.

What is IB and why is it important?
The International Baccalaureate (IB) is a globally recognized educational framework that fosters critical thinking, personal growth, and academic excellence. It encourages students to question, think independently, and consider both local and international perspectives.
How is IB different from the regular program?
IB’s approach to learning sets it apart. While aligned with provincial standards, it promotes critical thinking and independent inquiry, with its own assessments for DP. Recognized as equivalent to regular courses by the BC Ministry of Education.
Are there IB programmes for all grades? Junior Kindergarten to G12?
Yes, IB encompasses all grade levels. The Primary Years Programme (PYP) for JK to G5, Middle Years Programme (MYP) for G6 to G10, and Diploma Programme (DP) for G11 and G12.
How do we differentiate IB at WRCA from other schools?
At WRCA, all three IB programs (PYP, MYP, DP) are offered inclusively. This means every student benefits. Our Christian foundation remains integral.
Is my child a fit for this program?
IB’s quality education is designed for all children, offering a globally recognized framework used in over 4000 schools worldwide.
How will IB benefit my child?
IB equips students for the challenges of the 21st century, nurturing curiosity, knowledge, and the skills needed for lifelong learning and autonomy.
What if my child is not highly academic?
All students, regardless of academic strengths, benefit from IB’s approach, which promotes critical thinking, communication, and research skills, leading to the BC Dogwood graduation certificate.
What if my child is interested in the trades?
IB emphasizes critical thinking, communication, and research skills – valuable assets for any student, including those considering a trade.
How does the IB programme affect Christian education?
Christian values remain central, with Biblical Studies, devotions, chapel, and retreats forming the foundation of learning. The IB programme enhances this by offering a broad and balanced academic experience that promotes conceptual understanding, interdisciplinary connections, and real-world relevance. It provides frameworks to integrate knowledge, emphasizing ideas that connect learning across subjects while encouraging students to apply their learning authentically in the world around them.
How will parents be supported?
IB information sessions, dedicated meetings for IBDP parents, and open communication with IB Coordinators and teachers ensure parents stay well-informed.
Will communications with parents be ongoing?
Yes, IB information sessions and open communication channels with Coordinators and teachers ensure parents are well-informed about their child’s progress.
How can parents support IB at home?
Support your child as you would for any learning experience. Provide a quiet space for homework with appropriate supervision.
How can parents prepare children for IB?
Highlight IB as an exceptional opportunity for learning and personal growth at WRCA, setting the stage for a bright future.
Will there be more homework?
Homework load depends on the individual student. IB promotes quality over quantity. It prepares IBDP students for university success.
Will my child be too busy for extracurricular activities?
Balance is key. IB recognizes the value of extracurricular activities, providing opportunities for students to explore their interests.
What about sports commitments?
IB encourages a balanced approach to life. WRCA prioritizes ample instructional time for students to meet expectations in both academics and sports.
Will there be more elective options for students in middle/senior school?
As WRCA grows, more elective choices will be offered, giving students more opportunities to pursue their passions.
What kind of support will be given to students?
Students will continue to receive extra support as needed, with teachers available for help and regular communication on learning progress.
Will G11/12 students all take the same courses or will there be separate courses for IB and and Ministry of Education courses?
At WRCA, we provide flexibility as students assess their career goals and make well-informed course selections to provide the greatest avenue of post-secondary success suited for them.
- The IB Diploma Programme provides the full experience of international-minded learning, and is best suited for students who are prepared to academically challenge themselves towards the greatest chance of attending a post-secondary venue of their choice.
- The Mainstream pathway offers optional higher-level IB Courses and standard-level courses as they work towards their BC Graduation Diploma, offering a rigorous set of curriculum materials while giving flexibility in electives and study time management.
Will DP subject outlines be provided?
Subject outlines for DP courses in G11 and G12 have been prepared by our dedicated IBDP teachers.
What is the design course in the MYP?
The MYP design course empowers students to engage with design problems using the Design Cycle, enhancing problem-solving skills.
Are there more tests?
IB emphasizes ongoing assessment over final tests, providing better opportunities for students and teachers to work towards meeting expectations.
Will students be required to write the IB Diploma Programme exams?
At WRCA, we provide PATHWAYS of flexibility allowing students to choose between the BC Dogwood certificate, the full IB Diploma requiring all six IBDP exams and core requirements, or a combination of IB and BC Dogwood certificate subjects.
Is it more difficult to achieve a higher GPA through IB than the regular program?
IB students are assessed on a different scale, not GPA. Universities value the rigorous IB curriculum, making IB students competitive candidates for higher education.
Will IB cost more?
All costs for IB authorization, training, curriculum, and instruction are already included in student tuition fees.
What training is being provided for our teachers?
All WRCA teachers are being trained to teach IB. This includes subject-specific workshops and ongoing professional development sessions for Junior and Senior School teachers.