Re-Enrolment Form For the 2025-2026 School Year Student InformationStudent Legal Name Please enter the student’s name as it appears on legal documentation such as a birth certificate or passport.First:(Required)Last:(Required)Student grade in 2025-2026(Required)Which grade will student be entering in September 2025?KindergartenGrade 1Grade 2Grade 3Grade 4Grade 5Grade 6Grade 7Grade 8Grade 9Grade 10Grade 11Grade 12I need to update information on file for my student: Address Tuition Payment Schedule or Banking Information Primary Contact for Student Emergency Contact for Student Other No, I do not need to update any information. Address Street Address Address Line 2 City AlbertaBritish ColumbiaManitobaNew BrunswickNewfoundland and LabradorNorthwest TerritoriesNova ScotiaNunavutOntarioPrince Edward IslandQuebecSaskatchewanYukon Province Postal Code Update address for whole family Please also update all siblings and parents/guardians to this new address. (If you check this box, you do not need to fill out an additional address update for siblings you are re-enrolling at WRCA.)Tuition payment schedule: I (parent/guardian) authorize WRCA to debit tuition payments (per WRCA Tuition Grid) for the above-named student by PAD through one of the following options: Full one-time payment on Sept. 15th 10 monthly payments starting on Sept. 15th 12 monthly payments starting on Sept. 15th Other (please contact accounting, or the payment option from the current year will be used again) Update Banking Information Check here if you need to update your banking information. (Accounting will contact you for new forms.) FIRST name of student's primary contact:LAST name of student's primary contact:Phone number of student's primary contact:Relationship of primary contact to student:FIRST name of student's emergency contact:LAST name of student's emergency contact:Phone number of emergency contact for student:Relationship of emergency contact to student:Other:Use this field to submit any other student or guardian updates, or email your update or any questions or concerns to IntentionI/We (parent/guardian) wish to re-enroll my student for 2025-2026(Required) Yes No/Maybe Re-Enrolment AgreementsRe-Enrolment Commitment(Required) I/We (parent/guardian) commit to re-enrolling the above-named student for the 2025-2026 school year.(Required)Late Withdrawal Fee Agreement(Required) NEW THIS YEAR! I/We agree that if after re-enrolling for the 2025-2026 school year, we notify WRCA between April 15 and September 30 of our intention to withdraw from WRCA, this will result in a late withdrawal fee of $2,000 payable immediately via the PAD on file.Additional AgreementsPhotography Consent:I consent to having photographs, video and work samples of the above-named student used by White Rock Christian Academy in the yearbook, newsletters, website, and other promotional materials.(Required) Yes No PLEASE NOTE! Not signing this consent means your child cannot be included in the yearbook. If you have concerns about the public use of your child’s photo, consider signing the Conditional Photography Consent below. For any additional concerns, please email Photography Consent:I consent to having photographs, video and work samples of the above-named student used by White Rock Christian Academy in the yearbook and school newsletters (internal use), but do not agree to any public usage of the student's photo/video/work samples. Yes No Are you sure? Not signing this consent means your child cannot be included in the yearbook. For additional information or help with your concerns, please email Values and Core Purpose:(Required) I agree with WRCA’s Core Values and Core Purpose, support the Statement of Faith, and understand and accept the contents of the Parent-Student Handbook.• Core Values and Core Purpose • Statement of Faith • Current Parent-Student HandbookNot Re-Enrolling/UndecidedRe-enrollment intention Our family is thinking about registering the above-named student at WRCA for the 2025-2026 school year, however, we are also exploring other options. I/we understand that by not committing to re-enroll our child, a spot at WRCA next year cannot be guaranteed for the above-named student. Our family plans to register the above-named student at another school and as a result they will not be returning to WRCA. (Please also send your official withdrawal notice for the 2025-2026 school year to Name of schoolWhich school will this student be transferring to for the 2025-2026 school year?ConfirmationParent/Guardian Signature(Required)Parent/Guardian first name:(Required)Parent/Guardian last name:(Required)Parent/Guardian Email(Required) Parents, please ensure only one re-enrolment form per student is submitted. Once you click submit, you will be able to fill out the form for additional children if needed. Confirm submission I confirm that I am the legal guardian of the above-named student and that this form represents my true re-enrollment intention for the 2025-2026 school year. NameThis field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged.