Tuition and Fees
Tuition Grid
JK – Junior Kindergarten | $850 | $850 | $850 |
PYP – Primary Years Program – Grades K-5 | $1,215 | $946 | $742 |
MYP – Middle Years Program – Grades 6-10 | $1,355 | $1,011 | $742 |
DP – Diploma Program – Grades 11-12 | $1,398 | $1,064 | $801 |
JK – Junior Kindergarten | $708 | $708 | $708 |
PYP – Primary Years Program – Grades K-5 | $1,013 | $788 | $618 |
MYP – Middle Years Program – Grades 6-10 | $1,129 | $843 | $618 |
DP – Diploma Program – Grades 11-12 | $1,165 | $887 | $668 |
JK – Junior Kindergarten | $13,950 per year before Child Care Fee Initiative $8,500 after | $13,950 per year before Child Care Fee Initiative $8,500 after | $13,950 per year before Child Care Fee Initiative $8,500 after |
PYP – Primary Years Program – Grades K-5 | $12,150 | $9,460 | $7,420 |
MYP – Middle Years Program – Grades 6-10 | $13,550 | $10,110 | $7,420 |
DP – Diploma Program – Grades 11-12 | $13,980 | $10,640 | $8,010 |
Grid Notes:
- These tuition amounts are for local students only, not international students.
- 75-90% Charitable Donations for Tuition Fees:
- The calculated cost for secular education per student attending WRCA is deducted from each student’s tuition fees paid, and the remainder “Christian Education” portion qualifies as a charitable donation for tax purposes.
- The total tuition paid at WRCA that will qualify as a charitable donation for tax purposes is estimated to be between 75%-90%. This can substantially reduce the net cost of attending WRCA.
- This amount varies from year-to-year dependent on the cost of operating the school, the number of students attending, and the revenue received from sources other than tuition, for example, government grants.
- This does not apply to students registered in our Junior Kindergarten (JK) or International Student Program (ISP).
- WRCA classifies the following programs fees charged in the Senior School as additional tuition. This reclassification allows these charges to be added to WRCA’s basic tuition charge when we calculate the tuition donation receipt every February: Outdoor Ed fees, Mandarin language fees, Drama fee, Spanish language fees, All Music/fine arts trip fees, MSL trips for grade 9-11.
- Tuition is determined by the grade of the oldest child attending WRCA.
- Fourth child and onward will not be charged tuition (unless these children are in Junior Kindergarten whereby full tuition is payable).
- If you have Junior Kindergarten children, you may qualify for the Affordable Child Care Benefit. CLICK HERE to check if you qualify.
- A child-care receipt for tax purposes is issued for all Junior Kindergarten tuition.
- The total amount (school fees and tuition) includes all mandatory fees (retreats, field trips, music trips up to G8, G5 music rentals, IB exams and basic grad fees), but does not include optional fees (music trips G9 and above, G6 and above music rentals, athletic fees, skiing, MSL trips and extra optional graduation fees).
Tuition Fee Payment Options:
- Full payment at the beginning of the school year (cheque or pre-authorized debit) due by September 15th.
- Monthly payments by pre-authorized debit (can be paid over 10 months or 12 months), first payment due September 15th.
Pre-Authorized Debit (PAD) Form Information
- PAD forms are available here and can be submitted to the WRCA office or by email to Heather Nagtegaal (Accounting) at
- Every family MUST supply a completed PAD & VOID CHECK for miscellaneous fees during the year even if tuition fees have been paid in advance.
- Authorization on the PAD form is required for the $400 forfeit for non-completed volunteer hours in June and miscellanies expenses such as sport, ski trips, lost library books etc. Any PAD withdrawals are communicated to parents in advance.
- If the Waiver of Pre-Notification section of the form is signed, there is no need to complete a new PAD form in subsequent years (when tuition changes or your family enrolls siblings in the school). If the waiver is signed, PAD withdrawals for the following year can be cancelled by written request via email to
- PAD forms must be submitted with a void cheque.
- Please indicate on your completed PAD form the name(s) and grade(s) of your child(ren) attending WRCA.
- If the Waiver of Pre-Notification section of the form is signed, there is no need to complete a new PAD form in subsequent years (when tuition changes or your family enrolls siblings in the school). If the waiver is signed, PAD withdrawals for the following year can be cancelled by written request via email to
- Even if you are paying tuition in full in advance, a pre-authorized debit form (and the void cheque) is still required which authorizes the $400 forfeit for non-completed volunteer hours in June. Simply omit the amount to withdraw section of the PAD form.
Tuition Assistance
The WRCA Board of Directors have approved a new “Temporary Tuition Relief” Policy that replaces its previous Tuition Assistance Policy, effective for September 2024. This new policy seeks to ensure that tuition assistance is granted to qualified families that are experiencing temporary financial hardship and truly need assistance while balancing the financial viability of WRCA.
Under the new policy, tuition assistance can only be granted to currently enrolled families in good standing who have attended WRCA for at least 1 year. Qualified families must annually submit a fully completed Tuition Assistance Request Form and provide their 2 most recent Canadian Revenue Agency’s Notice of Assessments for review. All applications must be received by the Friday before WRCA’s Spring Break begins for any amount of assistance to be provided in the subsequent year starting in September. Any applications received after this date may be reviewed on a case-by-case basis.
The maximum assistance that will be offered to any one family is 75% of the overall tuition owed by the family according to the current WRCA tuition grid. Tuition assistance will only be granted for one year at a time. If a family is approved for a subsequent year, it would be expected to be at a reduced level of assistance and will not be offered for more than 3 years in a row.
Existing families currently receiving tuition assistance are exempt from the 3-year term.
Please note that only the basic tuition costs per WRCA’s tuition grid are available for assistance. All other school’s fees or costs associated with attending WRCA, including travel for athletic teams or MSL trips, continue to be the responsibility of the family.
All families receiving tuition assistance will be expected to exceed the required volunteer hours.
All tuition assistance decisions will be made by the Tuition Assistance Committee who reserve the right to review extenuating circumstances on a case-by-case basis and provide for exceptions to this policy within the capacity of the Board approved budget.