We are proud of our WRCA alumni and their successes after graduation. We are eager to keep connected with our WRCA graduates, as well as those who have attended WRCA prior to graduating elsewhere, and share some of their stories with our community.
If you are an alumnus and would like to reconnect, please contact us or fill out the form below and we’ll be in touch!

Ashley Hilton
Alumni 2012
“…God set it on my heart to pursue healthcare to be better equipped to help people all over the world! I first went for a one year medical missions school in Australia where we ran mobile clinics in India, Zambia and the Philippines and then came home to pursue nursing here in Canada. Not only was WRCA impactful during my in-class days, but I’ve still maintained contact with a few of my teachers. One being [Mary Kathryn] Perrin, who has helped tutor me for my nursing pre-requisites which helped me get my LPN, and she has also helped me with my courses to finish my RN.”

Danny Huang
Alumni 2014
“While attending WRCA, I was able to cultivate my imagination and creativity, which in turn grew a lot stronger from my time spent in [Debbie] Alexander’s art class. After graduating from WRCA, I decided to major in Transportation Design at the College for Creative Studies to continue my dream as a Car Designer. Through this program I have learned deeply about and gained a stronger understanding of car design surfaces and I had lots of hands-on experience.”

Gabriella Galvez
Alumni 2009
“I was one of the many students impacted by [Debbie] Alexander [Art Teacher]. I always knew that I wanted to do something creative with my life. It was in her classroom…that I found the courage to pursue a career in the arts. [After graduating], I attended Emily Carr University of Art + Design where I focused on Illustration. Since then, I have illustrated a children’s book that was in Chapter’s Indigo, designed wallpaper found in Anthropologie and IKEA, and after gaining a certificate in UI Design, worked as the Digital Art Director for a baby company called Pehr, and I am currently a UI Designer at Ubisoft. Thank you, Debbie, for encouraging me in those early years and believing in me [and inspiring] me to teach the younger generation one day.”

Sarah Walters
Alumni 2014
“WRCA helped guide me in my decision to pursue Dietetics because it helped me reflect on my values… I enjoyed learning about science in the classes at WRCA, and… I realized that I could combine my interest in nutrition and science, as well as my desire to help others, by pursuing a career as a dietitian. WRCA supported my interest in health science by inviting me and encouraging me to attend Encounters with Canada in Ottawa, where I was able to learn more about health science and connect with other students across Canada who were interested in the same field.”