Statement of Faith

Learn about what we believe in and the statement of faith that we follow as a school.


We Believe:

  1. In one God, the creator of heaven and earth, who eternally co-exists in the persons of the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit.
  2. That the Bible, comprised of the sixty-six books of the Old and New Testaments, is the Word of God as originally written, is inspired by the Spirit of God, entirely free from error, and is the supreme authority in all matters of faith and conduct.
  3. In the sovereignty and grace of God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit in creation, providence, revelation, redemption and final judgment.
  4. In Jesus Christ, the Saviour of man, conceived of the Holy Spirit, born of the Virgin Mary, fully God and fully man.
  5. That man was created in the image of God, but fell into sin and is therefore lost, and only by grace through regeneration by the Holy Spirit can salvation and eternal life be obtained.
  6. That Jesus Christ died for our sins, that He was buried, and that He was raised on the third day according to the Scripture.
  7. In Christ’s substitutionary death and resurrection as the sole ground of our salvation.
  8. In the ordinance of water baptism of believers to be observed by the local church.
  9. In the ordinance of communion for believers to be observed by the local church.
  10. In one church, the body of Christ; practically expressed through the local church as the place of membership and accountability where each believer is to be discipled and empowered as a witness to their faith.
  11. That every believer in Christ shall manifest, through the operation of the gifts of the Holy Spirit including the charismatic gifts enumerated in I Corinthians 12 – 14, a joyful, living witness to the transformational power of Christ.
  12. That God instituted marriage as a lifelong covenant between one man and one woman for the purpose of companionship, encouragement, sexual intimacy and procreation.
  13. In the reality and personality of Satan.
  14. That the Lord Jesus Christ will return triumphantly at the end of this age to judge all who have rejected Christ to eternal separation from God and to unite the believers with Christ to reign eternally with God in glory.